while this will

technically be my fourth adjustment at the chiropractor, it's my second appointment of MANY.  I go three times a week for four weeks, two times a week for four weeks, once a week for four weeks and then maybe once a month for so many months and after that I don't remember.  I still dread it but I am feeling better.  Really, my back still hurts but it's nothing compared to a week ago.  The issue is 9 of 12 bones being out of place (I'm sure a lot of people hear that), my x-rays were a little scary and I think there might be a pinched nerve.  I'll admit that Sunday wasn't the best but I just stayed in bed most of the day with ice.  I'm so excited for it to get back to normal, as much as I hate the process.  Other than the obvious of me not liking people touching me, I still don't like the popping.  But hey, if 5 minutes a few times a week will make it better then bring it on.  Another plus is my 8:30 appointment time.  I get it over with early so I'm not thinking about it all day, it's the perfect time to run any errands and make grocery store visits and mostly, I'm out and am able to catch Sonic's morning happy hour if I choose to reward myself with a Coke. 

On that note, I'm off to get dressed since I need to leave in 30 minutes.  I'm going to try to be on time today.